Welcome To My "Debbieh Village" ... Rita S. Boustany

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Welcome to My Global Village!

Human beings are parts of a body, created from the same essence.  
When one part is hurt and in pain,  the other parts remain restless.  
If  the misery of others leaves you indifferent, 
you cannot be called a human being...    


--Sa'adi Shirazi, Persian Poet-Philosopher and Author


When I walk in the streets of my village, I think that I am likely to live in such a village, I do not know when the passion of my village came to me, but I believe that it came through me to walk here, in force to listen to Fairouz, one of the high elegant actress of the Arab song, the Fairouz singer is the object of a true veneration, which lets me charm by its cherishing voice, his voice which takes us along to a village of the mountain, returns the beauty of nature to us, and to feel the sendings of the heart...

The passion of my village Came while listening to the song from "Joe Dassin" a French actor. the song known as :

"My village from the end from the world"

"My village of the end of the world"

"My village is far, with the orher end of the world,

and my house is not any more that one song,

like snow, my dreams melt,

Drink, my brothers, the vagrants..."

The passion of my village came, by reading the poetry of the "Jean Baptiste Elizanburu" Tittle : "Hello at my Village! "

"I see with far, I see the mountain;

Behind which my village is...;

I hears already, what a immense happiness;

the soft sigh of the well liked bell !

Hello ! hello !, my village !

Hello ! Country which saw me being born !

Hello ! liked place of my youth !

God having heard the voice of a child;

This child today came close to you..."

The Photographs of the site have photographed by "Philip S. Boustany"

Debbieh Village.

very calm village, surrounded of pines ands oaks. There exists in its gardens the olives trees, fig trees, vinegards, mulbery trees as well as old agricultures.

"Debbieh" historical Heart at Chouf

Today, I am pleased to present my village "Debbieh" to you, locates at Chouf, Mount of Lebanon, Iqlim El Kharroub. The village of my childhood, you will find your happiness I am sure, I say to you to very quickly and thanks you for your visit, espacially do not hesitate to contact me and to sign my Guestbook, I will have a pleasure of answering you.

"Debbieh", old several centuries, it is a unique city, its old paved lanes, its picturesque gardens and its districts.

Mountainous area located at the historical heart of Mount of Lebanon at Chouf, Iqlim El Kharroub.

Lebanon collected the echoes of all the waves of civilization which touched banks of the Mediterranean such as : "Phenician, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab".

Lebanon located on Eastern banks of the Mediterranean, Lebanon is a single mixture of cultures and European and avarage influences Eastern.

A small thought... Chouf, Maronite, Druze


"Chouf", part of mount lebanon, located at the South-east of Beirut. The Chouf was a "mountain refuge" for the Druzes and the Maronites. They lived there in good agreement until the European interventions of the XIX century, Which poked the competitions between the communities. Massacres of 1860 to the combat of September 1983 which involved the departure of the majority of the Maronites, the contemporary history of Chouf is dominated by this antagonism Druze - Maronite. The "caza" of "Chouf" (administrative unit comparable with a canton) also includes a part of the littoral plain, populated especially Moslems Sunnites.


Maronites, members of a catholic sect of rite syniaque, directed by a patriarch and rested by "Saint-Maron" in VII century. Of arab language, they live in Lebanon and Syria, and form one of the Eastern Churches since 1736, the Maronites reconciled themselves with Rome. They are the traditional adversariesof the Druzes and one kept a patriarchal way of life.


Druzes or Druses, population of the South of the Syrian Syrie (party of Hauran or djabel Drises), Lebanon (western slope of lebanon and anti-lebanon) and of the north of Israel. Of arab language, the Druzes, who are approximately 150.000. form a sect ismaelienne and draw their name from Muhammad Ibn Ismail AD-DARAZI, which appirmed the divinity of the sixth Caliph Fatimide AL-HAKIM (beginning of XI century). France had to intervene against them, in 1860-1861, to put an end to the massacre christians Maronites of lebanon. Under French protectorate, after 1920, they revolted and were not subjected that after a hard campaign (1925-1926). In the current Republic of Syria, they still express their particularism. In Lebanon, they represent an importance forces political, of tendency progressiste.

Encyclopedia "Bordas"

Rita S.Boustany,2006 United Online Web Services, Inc. All rights reserved.